Plenty of people experience the disappointment of missing out on a fantastic promotion, and we appreciate how difficult it can be to pick yourself back up professionally. But you can turn disappointment into opportunity. Simply follow these five quick tips, and you’ll be first in line next time…
1. Show willing
Positivity is one of the main qualities we’re tasked to find in executive candidates, and there’s a lesson in that. Accepting defeat with grace rather than a sour face will speak volumes about your attitude and character, so smile and show a readiness to change. Small step – big impact.
2. Express yourself better
Sometimes, not being promoted is down to how you communicate rather than a lack of technical competency. What you view as a professional temperament could be interpreted as cold and clipped; spirited disagreement could be seen as hostile. Adopt a warm, patient tone whatever the issue, so people know they can come to you without trepidation.
3. Take time out to help others
Many people look out for number one at work, and to a degree, that makes sense. However, any climb up the career ladder will ultimately result in some managerial work, so you need to be able to play well with others. Take time out of your day to support a less-experienced colleague. Not only will you get a kick out of helping someone, you’ll show the wisdom of a leader.
4. Make the most of your current position
Well, at least for the short term. Neglecting your present duties could damage your chances next time, so continue to shine through your work. Then, poor performance can’t be held against you. Consider using your experience in this role to suggest changes that could benefit the business overall. A wider commercial viewpoint will always stand you in good stead for promotion.
5. Build new skills
Personal development isn’t just essential to your success, it’s a respected trait in future leaders. If you know where you fell short for promotion, target that specific area and work hard to improve it. That way, when the opportunity comes round again, you can report how you’ve improved since the last time.
True progression begins with you; read our other articles for more ways to kick-start your success.